Need an appraisal for an FHA-backed mortgage? Call Statewide Residential Appraisal, LLC.

The FHA maintains of approved appraisers for each state - Statewide Residential Appraisal, LLC. is on the roster of approved appraisers for RI. We are certified and approved to do appraisals for FHA insured loans. We're trained and understand the rules and procedures in FHA's guidance and policy documents.

If you're in need of an report for an FHA loan, please contact us, and we'll be able to help you right away.

An FHA loan is insured by the Federal Housing Administration, a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The FHA does not provide funds to borrowers, rather, it provides lending organizations with security with mortgage insurance in case the borrower does not pay his or her financial obligations. Accessible to all consumers, FHA loan programs are created to help credit-worthy low-income and moderate-income families who do not have the qualifications for conventional loans.

Down payments are often lower with an FHA loan despite using conventional market rates. The loan programs that the Federal Housing Administration offers are acutely helpful to purchasers with less starting capital.